This exciting new work includes eyewitness and participant accounts of poverty campaigns and conditions, as well as scholarly perspectives, student reactions, and more. Pedagogy of the Poor is a must-read for activists, educators, social workers, and anyone interested in the future of human rights.
Ira Shor, City University of New York

We who are battling life-threatening water shutoffs, foreclosures, worsening and widening poverty, and government crises see our struggles as emblematic of the direction of the country and world. This pedagogy of the poor helps us grapple with and understand these problems and their solutions. This book should be one of the required tools of the movement.
Marian Kramer, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization

The Poor As Teachers of Economics
Peter Sabonis of grassroots legal advocacy group Maryland Human Rights Authority reviews Pedagogy of the Poor.
September 20, 2011

Inverted Power
Tom Kertes, community organizer and trainer with Inverted Power, reviews Pedagogy of the Poor.
September 8, 2011